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About Us

Helping AgTech and Sustainability Startups Grow

At eAgroTect, we aim to empower startups innovating in agricultural technology (AgTech) and environmental sustainability. By providing result-driven digital marketing solutions, we ensure emerging changemakers get the visibility and voice they deserve.

Let's discuss how we can help amplify your startup's success.

Our Motivation

With climate change threatening global food security, startups and businesses interested in a more sustainable world are developing innovative solutions to mitigate these challenges. However, despite their key roles in creating a sustainable future for us and the unborn generations, they are unheard of and under-appreciated. To put it into a clearer context, for every agriculture marketing agency like ours, there are approximately 400 generic marketing agencies.

Rather than choosing the broad path, we decided to focus on what matters the most – supporting AgTech startups and environmental sustainability solutions to bring their products to their ideal customers, investors, and stakeholders. So, in 2022, we planted the seed of eAgroTect, a union of the environment, Agriculture, and technology.

Our journey began by listening to farmers, founders, and scholars in agriculture and environmental sustainability industries. We learned about their challenges firsthand and their dream for the sustainable future they envisioned. Their stories lit a spark in us, and we decided to be a voice for visionaries championing a more sustainable world.

Our Mission

By helping purpose-driven startups in AgTech and sustainability, we aim to accelerate progress on key UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Zero Hunger, Climate Action, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. We accomplish this by helping green innovators, and AgTech founders bring solutions to investors, partners, and consumers.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower 500 AgTech and sustainability startups to impact 50 million lives by 2030 positively. We envision a future where technology and human ingenuity unite to nourish people and the planet.

Growth Marketing Fuel for Startups

While we could serve clients across industries, our specialty lies in two fields we’re most passionate about:

AgTech Startups

Pacesetters who want to leverage technology to drive innovation in agriculture, farming, and food systems. This includes everything from AI for crop optimization to IoT sensors for intelligent agriculture.

Sustainability Startups

Innovators developing solutions to challenges like renewable energy, green tech, waste reduction, and more.

Agricultural Marketing Services That Drive Results

As a boutique agriculture marketing agency, our core services include:​
Content Marketing Services
Get thought leadership articles, blog posts, and case studies that position you as an authority and deliver quality values for your readers—investors' pitch decks, business plans, and other funding documents.
Explore our content marketing services.
Market Research Services
You can access our in-depth market research to uncover customer insights, industry trends, and competitive benchmarking data. This enables you to make smart, data-driven branding and marketing decisions.
Explore our market research services.
SEO Services
Increase organic traffic, rankings, and visibility through proven SEO strategies tailored for AgTech and sustainability companies. We optimize your website, content, and architecture by leveraging thorough keyword research and technical SEO best practices. We help you get discovered by your ideal buyers searching online. Explore our SEO services.
Lead Generation Services
Reach more qualified leads through multichannel outreach, including cold email, content syndication, social media, and Chatbots. We identify and engage your ideal buyer personas with targeted and personalized messaging. Our lead gen services fill your sales pipeline with warm, ready-to-convert leads.
Explore our lead generation services.
Paid Advertising Services
Get in front of motivated buyers with strategically targeted paid ad campaigns across platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. Our experts help you define goals, dial in your audience, optimize creativity, and analyze performance. Our paid advertising drives measurable results and strong ROI.
Explore our paid advertising services.
By combining inbound and outbound marketing strategies, we help accelerate your organic growth while saving your ad budget.


Our Team are Experts in Agricultural Technology (AgTech) and Environmental Sustainability.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Dolapo Adepoju


Dolapo isn’t new to the world of digital marketing. With over five years as a freelancer, he’s seen businesses rise and fall. But a personal observation shook him. After earning his master’s degree as an Animal Scientist from SLU, he realized that cattle, his favorite livestock, were big contributors to greenhouse gasses, particularly methane emissions.

Living and working in Sweden, he constantly sees people blaming livestock production for global warming. To some, the answer lies in switching to alternative meat sources, while others advocate the need to shut down the livestock industry. 

However, for Dolapo, the answer wasn’t fewer animals; it was smarter, greener ways to raise them. He imagined a world where we could feed people without harming our planet. His dream to help businesses that advocate for a holistic approach to farming and living gain visibility for their innovation propelled the founding of eAgroTect. He believes agriculture, environment, and technology can co-exist in harmony.

Adetutu Adebayo


Adetutu earned her bachelor’s in Agricultural Economics from the best agriculture university in Nigeria.

Her love of economics and commitment to sustainable development drove her desire to make an impact. Like Dolapo, she’s also an advocate for sustainability, especially from an economic standpoint.

She believes entrepreneurs don’t have to throw their hard-secured capital on marketing without reasonable ROI. She is the go-to person when it comes to developing economically sustainable marketing strategies that minimize wastage and drive exponential growth.

Moyinoluwa Horn


Moyinoluwa obtained her Master’s in Environmental Sciences from the prestigious Wageningen University and Research (WUR), the Netherlands. Moyin is our go-to marketing strategist and customer success manager with a professional business analysis and project management background. She’s always happy to drive growth to environmental sustainability-focused businesses.

Let’s Collaborate Towards a More Sustainable World for All.